Ricky Latt at Heliopolis

Ricky Latt, he of the wide-brimmed hat (Goorin Bros, Austin), mutton-chop beard and sparkling suit and bow tie, arrived with an entourage bristling with videocams. Placing themselves strategically across the audience, it was apparent that the low-key chanter has charmed a media-minded crowd. Accompanied by Greg Smith, bass, Danyelle Bryant, drums, De Shaun O Bryan Christopher on keys and De Lontrell Thomas on sax, Latt sang with a sense of humor. In “Soul Food,” he observed that “Everybody want it quick and fast, but nobody wanna make it last. It’s only one thing that makes me whole – keep your fast food. I need some soul. I need a bowl of sooooouul!”

Exclusive Interview With Neo-Soul/Hip-Hop Artist Ricky Latt

Hood Critic Magazine catches up with neo soul/hip hop artist, Ricky Latt for a brief interview. Here’s what he had to say…

HCM. Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you’re from.
Ricky Latt. Well I’m from a small city in Southeast Arkansas called McGehee I went to high school there finished and joined the Air Force got stationed at Barksdale AFB……got out the Air Force and never left Shreveport afterwards……I’ve been in Shreveport since 2001 and its my new established home.  About me I’ve always had a passion for music mom and pops use to have all the latest records and would dress like some of their favorite artist……pops had an array of music in his arsenal ranging from Bach, Mozart, Hall and Oates, Parliament, Johnny Cash, Tupac, Coltrane, Bob Marley you name it he had it and him and mom made sure that we were involved in some type of music whether it was choir, band etc……  

HCM. When did you start making music and taking it seriously?
Ricky Latt. In the fifth grade I wrote my first rhyme.  Got in a talent show and won.  I was making Beats with a keyboard that mom and dad got me around the 6th grade……and kept getting in talent shows and won majority of them even in the military……I’d have to say 2015 when I came up with concept of “Welcome Soulville” and coming to terms of what my image should be as an artist.  Things had more clarity, I saw where I fit in the music scene and how I could impact it by making diverse music that could heal the hearts of millions by making them feel good through a tune.

HCM. Who inspired you to make music?
Ricky Latt. Honestly I would have to say the kids at recess when I was smaller…..I would bebop sometimes and sometimes we would freestyle and the ooooh’s and ahhhh’s always get you going lol….Aside from the ooh’s and ahhh’s of the recess crowds…..I would have to say my Mom…..she always gave an ear to hear whatever I wrote about and she always made me feel like what I wrote was awesome which made me feel like I could really do something with this.

HCM. Tell us a little about your upcoming project “Soulville” and its meaning?
Ricky Latt. Welcome To Soulville is a place where music feels good and has meaning.  You have good and bad parts in Soulville that touch you both on a personal level and conscious level.  My goal for Welcome To Soulville is to give the real music lovers a place to go to when they want to get away from the negativity that they may be facing on a daily basis.  Soulville is Balance.

HCM. Your new single “So Much Power”, what were some of the creative factors that led you to make that type of song?
Ricky Latt.  My new single So Much Power….is the intro to the album and it has dual meanings it talks about the power of a woman or it could be the power of music.  And long story short I’ve been in in love a lotta times and woman will make you some crazy things for her if you really care…lol……to set the mood for the album I really wanted to dig back  in the archives I wanted something smooth, simple, yet powerful…..and my man Curtis Mayfield embodied that……so I pulled from that energy and put my own little twist to it and bam!!! It was perfect…..Like O Productions did the beat….I told him how I wanted it and he did it….flawless execution.

HCM. What’s your opinion on the state of the music industry, and are you comfortable with being an independent artist?
Ricky Latt. My opinion on the Music industry? Not enough balance.
I’m not knocking anyone’s music because at the end of the day thats how they feed their family and I respect that.   I’m comfortable to with being an independent artist for now but I feel that for my vision to come into full tuition I will need more marketing, promo.

HCM. So, with a new project released, will you be hitting the road to promote it? 
Ricky Latt. The project is rolling and I have been hitting the slab when time permits but I do have a day job so that does come in to play but eventually my music will supersede that 9 to five.

HCM. Where can the people reading this interview find you and your music?
Ricky Latt. You can find me on social media

Facebook:  The Real Ricky Latt
Twitter: @RickyLatt
Instagram: @RickyLatt

HCM. Before we go, any shout outs or final thoughts?
Ricky Latt. Shout to Hood Critic Magazine for taking the time out to interview me, shout out to my family for being supportive through the  process and pushing me and shout out to the fans of the music for the ooohhh’s and ahhh’s y’all keep me going. I’d also like to take this time to thank God for giving me my gift and for allowing me to touch the minds and spirits of others.

Hey thanks for taking time to drop by and giving us an interview. Best of luck to you and much success on your new release.